45 min restorative w/ Katrina: with a yoga bolster
This practice focuses on inviting the mind to find a quiet softness as the body rests. Have a yoga bolster and two thick blankets as props.
45 min basics w/ Katrina: get into bridge with hands bound
This basics practice proceeds as a workshop, building up to bridge pose with the hands bound. We will do a short warm up, prepping shoulders and hips for the backbend, and then progress through a sequence of bridge variations. Have two blocks, a blanket, and a strap.
45 min gentle w/ Katrina: spinal movements
This gentle practice clearly and carefully mobilizes the spine in the various directions that it moves in - front/back, side/side, and rotation. We will do a few poses on the knees, so have a blanket or other cushion if needed.
30 min meditation w/ Katrina
This meditation practice offers two visualizations that focus on being mindful of thoughts and feelings. The first we will practice seated and the second we will practice in savasana. Have a cushion to sit on, and a blanket for covering up, or any other props (or furniture!) that will help you fi...
30 min restorative w/ Katrina
This short practice includes one leg at a time up a pillow ramp and then a long savasana. Have two pillows and at least 1 blanket (have a second to cover up with if you like!)
33 min gentle w/ Katrina: grounding practice
This gentle practice starts standing and makes it's way down to the floor, focusing on grounding through the feet, then hands, then hips and back of head. Have a blanket handy.
47 min all levels w/ Katrina: full spectrum + restore
This practice begins with a full spectrum practice including sun salutations, triangle, and an eagle hybrid balance. It then transitions to end with two restorative poses. Have a thick blanket and a yoga bolster (a few pillows to replicate the size and shape of a bolster work great!)
36 min gentle w/ Katrina: hip movements
This gentle practices includes mobility movements for the hips as well as poses are focus on as many directions of hip movements as possible, including some balancing poses. Have a blanket.
45 min restorative w/ Katrina: 2 pillows and 2 blankets
This restorative practice uses 2 pillows and 2 blankets. We will do a few supported poses and end with a segmented body relaxation that leads into a long savasana.
30 min all levels w/ Katrina: full spectrum
This full spectrum practice moves through classic poses such as triangle, warrior 1, and low lizard. Have a blanket and a block.
45 min basics w/ Katrina: get into side plank
This basics practice breaks down the fundamentals of side plank and goes through 4 variations of the pose, ending with the classic form. Choose your stop along the way and repeat as necessary. Have a blanket for your knees!
45 min gentle w/ Katrina: cooling practice
This practice starts with a cooling form of pranayama and moves onto gentle backbends and hamstring opening. We end with a few restful restorative poses. Have a blanket and two blocks.
45 min restorative w/ Katrina: extra pillows
This restorative practice uses more pillows than usual - two throw pillows and two bed pillows.
30 min gentle w/ Katrina: abdominal strength
This gentle practice focuses on core stabilization by going through various ways of strengthening these muscles. One pose is completed in hands and knees position - have yoga blocks or dumbbells if having your hands flat is too much for your wrists. You will also need a blanket for your knees.
45 min basics w/ Katrina: get into lizard
This practice goes through the mechanics of lizard lunge and answers the age old question - is it a strength pose or a stretch pose? Have two blocks and a blanket!
45 min intermediate basics w/ Katrina: get into ardha chandrachapasana
**This practice is an intermediate basics practice. It is recommended that you are quite familiar and relatively comfortable with ardha chandrasana (half moon) before enjoying this practice.**
Ardha chandrachapasana (half moon sugarcane variation) is half moon with a quad stretch. We will progr...
20 min meditation w/ Katrina: body scan
Body scans are a form of meditation that brings attention to the body piece by piece. This is my personal adaptation of a body scan meditation that I use frequently when I have trouble falling asleep or otherwise relaxing. Have whatever props you would like to be comfortable either seated or in s...
30 min gentle w/ Katrina: low-key backbending
This practice goes into 3 gentle backbends - sphinx, low lunge with a backbend, and bridge, while covering ways to make them feel excellent instead of painful. Have a blanket and a strap!
30 min restorative w/ Katrina: sama vritti + legs up the wall
This practice begins with a type of pranayama called sama vritti and ends with the restorative pose of legs up the wall. Have a comfortable blanket, bolster, or pillow to sit on for pranayama and any comfortable, cozy clothing or blankets that you wish for.
45 min gentle w/ Katrina: shoulder opening (all standing)
This practice takes place almost completely standing, with only a short meditation at the end taking place seated or lying down (your preference). This practice is great if you want to move through an entire practice without any pressure on knees or wrists, and offers modifications if anything we...
30 min basics w/ Katrina: happy hips
This basics practice focuses on stretching both the fronts and sides of the hips. We start with sun salutations, and go into various hip stretches, talking about ways to make them more effective. Have a blanket and two blocks.
45 min basics w/ Katrina: get into ardha bhekasana
This basics practice is delivered workshop style as we prepare for and break down the quad stretch pose of half frog (ardha bhekasana). Have a blanket, two blocks, and a strap of some kind.
45 min gentle w/ Katrina: balancing for breath + body
This balancing practice starts with a balancing pranayama (breath work) called nadi shodhana and moves into gentle movement and practicing balancing both on two feet in a lunge and one foot in tree pose. Have a blanket for kneeling poses.
30 min restorative w/ Katrina: yoga nidra
Yoga Nidra is a type of guided meditation that is often practiced in savasana. Have comfortable and warm clothing, pillows - perhaps under your knees - and plenty of blankets for a very cozy setup. (We will be in savasana or your preferred meditation posture the whole time.)