20-30 Minutes

20-30 Minutes

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20-30 Minutes
  • 34 min all levels w/ Justicia: full spectrum

    An efficiency practice is no less yogic, no less impactful, than a longer class. This class gets in all the movements of the spine and an effective full-body warm up in just over 30 minutes. A block could be handy!

  • 22 min mobility basics w/ Alan: scapular elevation

    Scapular elevation is the action that lifts and upwardly rotates the shoulder blades. This helps us bring the arms overhead, assisting in poses like downward facing dog, and handstand. In this class we will be working on range of motion and strength in this movement .

  • 30 min meditation w/ Katrina

    This practice begins with a few gentle stretches and quickly moves to a guided meditation, focusing on the visualization of a glowing ember. Please have whatever props/cover ups you need to meditate comfortably either lying down OR in a seated position.

  • 24 min mobility basics w/ Alan: knee external rotation

    Fun fact: knees rotate! This small but important range of motion is fundamental to happy knees. In this class, we work on building awareness and range of motion in external rotation or the action that turns the shin away from the midline.

  • 30 min all levels w/ Katrina: get warm quick

    This practice moves quickly intending to warm up the body as fast as possible. Expect sun salutations, lunges, twists, and balances. Have two blocks and a blanket.

  • 23 min FRC w/ Alan: shoulder blade depression

    The scapula (shoulder blade) is a concave structure on a convex base; depression is the action that wraps the shoulder blade down and in on the ribcage. These muscles, mainly the lower trapezius, tend to get de-conditioned due to modern lifestyles and are commonly overpowered by their opposing mu...

  • 30 min meditation w/ Katrina

    This meditation practice offers two visualizations that focus on being mindful of thoughts and feelings. The first we will practice seated and the second we will practice in savasana. Have a cushion to sit on, and a blanket for covering up, or any other props (or furniture!) that will help you fi...

  • 22 min FRC w/ Alan: toe extension

    This is a quick class focused on toe extension, or the action of lifting the toes away from the ground, having good toe extension is vital for the final phases of walking and running and allows us to effectively push off from the ground. We will be doing some weight bearing on the toes; if that f...

  • 30 min restorative w/ Katrina

    This short practice includes one leg at a time up a pillow ramp and then a long savasana. Have two pillows and at least 1 blanket (have a second to cover up with if you like!)

  • 25 min FRC basics w/ Alan: scapula retraction

    Scapular Retraction is the movement that pulls the shoulder blades towards each other. These muscles of the mid back create structure behind the spine and help open the front of the chest and ribcage. Modern lifestyle can sometimes leave these muscles deconditioned and unable to move through thei...

  • 33 min gentle w/ Katrina: grounding practice

    This gentle practice starts standing and makes it's way down to the floor, focusing on grounding through the feet, then hands, then hips and back of head. Have a blanket handy.

  • 28 min maha mobility w/ Alan: spinal rotation

    In this seated, twisting focused class, we focus on building range of motion in spinal rotation. We first get in touch with our core muscles, mainly the obliques, and use their strength to help us twist deeper. This is an efficient, single joint action class; you wont need any props, but somethin...

  • 36 min gentle w/ Katrina: hip movements

    This gentle practices includes mobility movements for the hips as well as poses are focus on as many directions of hip movements as possible, including some balancing poses. Have a blanket.

  • 25 min FRC w/ Alan: ankle plantar flexion

    Plantar flexion is your body's gas pedal: this action drives force into the ground to push us forward or lift us up. The big muscles on the back of the calves are powerhouses of movement, but we tend to lose the end ranges unless we use them regularly. This is a short class in which we work both ...

  • 28 min mobility basics w/ Alan: elbow supination

    Elbow supination is the action that turns the forearm up. This action assists in shoulder external rotation and pulling movements. This class focuses on increasing range of motion, opening space in the joint capsule, the deepest layer of tissue surrounding the joint, and creating structure at th...

  • 30 min all levels w/ Katrina: full spectrum

    This full spectrum practice moves through classic poses such as triangle, warrior 1, and low lizard. Have a blanket and a block.

  • 36 min all levels w/ Justicia: full spectrum

    As we travel our path of spiritual pursuits and gather insights, we must still always tend to the mundane, everyday parts of life. This accessible, full spectrum practice opens with a familiar, warming flow of sun salutations and standing poses. It progresses to standing balances, and closes with...

  • 30 min maha mobility w/ Alan: big toe extension

    Little movement with big impacts, as a primary point of ground contact. How your big toe moves will inform how you walk, squat, and generally move through the world. When the toes become weaker or less mobile they tend to affect things up the body. In this class, we will focus on creating more sp...

  • 30 min gentle w/ Katrina: abdominal strength

    This gentle practice focuses on core stabilization by going through various ways of strengthening these muscles. One pose is completed in hands and knees position - have yoga blocks or dumbbells if having your hands flat is too much for your wrists. You will also need a blanket for your knees.

  • 34 min all levels w/ Justicia: full spectrum

    This mobility-informed, full spectrum practice gets blood flow through the major joints and incorporates all four movements of the spine into an efficient, accessible practice. A familiar standing pose opening is followed by deeper work in postures like low lunge, gate pose, and squat. Class ends...

  • 20 min meditation w/ Katrina: body scan

    Body scans are a form of meditation that brings attention to the body piece by piece. This is my personal adaptation of a body scan meditation that I use frequently when I have trouble falling asleep or otherwise relaxing. Have whatever props you would like to be comfortable either seated or in s...

  • 30 min gentle w/ Katrina: low-key backbending

    This practice goes into 3 gentle backbends - sphinx, low lunge with a backbend, and bridge, while covering ways to make them feel excellent instead of painful. Have a blanket and a strap!

  • 30 min restorative w/ Katrina: sama vritti + legs up the wall

    This practice begins with a type of pranayama called sama vritti and ends with the restorative pose of legs up the wall. Have a comfortable blanket, bolster, or pillow to sit on for pranayama and any comfortable, cozy clothing or blankets that you wish for.

  • 30 min all levels w/ Justicia: hand + wrist mobility (off the wrists)

    A traditional yoga practice contains a lot of weight bearing on the hands and wrists, and that repetitive movement can take a toll over times. This mobility inspired practice is entirely non-weight bearing in the upper body, and looks to create more balance in the wrists and hands. After the open...