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Watch this video and more on Maha Yoga On Demand

30 min all levels w/ Katrina: get warm quick

20-30 Minutes • 33m

Up Next in 20-30 Minutes

  • 23 min FRC w/ Alan: shoulder blade de...

    The scapula (shoulder blade) is a concave structure on a convex base; depression is the action that wraps the shoulder blade down and in on the ribcage. These muscles, mainly the lower trapezius, tend to get de-conditioned due to modern lifestyles and are commonly overpowered by their opposing mu...

  • 30 min meditation w/ Katrina

    This meditation practice offers two visualizations that focus on being mindful of thoughts and feelings. The first we will practice seated and the second we will practice in savasana. Have a cushion to sit on, and a blanket for covering up, or any other props (or furniture!) that will help you fi...

  • 22 min FRC w/ Alan: toe extension

    This is a quick class focused on toe extension, or the action of lifting the toes away from the ground, having good toe extension is vital for the final phases of walking and running and allows us to effectively push off from the ground. We will be doing some weight bearing on the toes; if that f...