120 min advanced w/ Justicia: backbends with arms overhead
Justicia DeClue
2h 0m
Yoga is skill in action. The yoga practices invite us to look inside and with humility and discernment unpack our tendencies so we may move more skillfully. 120 min practice that moves towards deep backbends with the arms overhead. Detailed instruction on flipping the grip (padangustha), including how to modify with a strap. Includes time for handstand and forearmstand (option for scorpion), as well as long, 30-minute cool down of seated and supine counter poses.
Up Next in Justicia DeClue
90 min advanced w/ Justicia: backbends
The practice as introspection is a diagnostic, a means to reflect back your inner state. As such, advanced asana is not about complicated poses, but rather being in right relationship with ourself. Practice moved towards the deep backbend eka pada rajakapotasana, and includes the inversion pincha...
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