34 min all levels w/ Justicia: full spectrum
An efficiency practice is no less yogic, no less impactful, than a longer class. This class gets in all the movements of the spine and an effective full-body warm up in just over 30 minutes. A block could be handy!
44 min all levels w/ Justicia: hip flexors + hamstrings
Strength is the necessary foundation for effective flexibility. This practice aims to strengthen the hip flexors and hamstrings after a familiar warm up. It includes skandasana (side squat), standing balance poses and intentional hamstring strengthening work in setu bandhasana (bride pose). A bla...
37 min all levels w/ Justicia: heart openers
To know love is to know grief. This efficient asana practice aims to embody self love through familiar standing poses, supported heart openers and accessible backbends. While moving through seasons of grief, we remember that we are always helping when we sync up our body with our breath. We griev...
60 min all levels w/ Justicia
Little by little, again and again, breath by breath, we make small, imperceptible changes that transform our lives deeply. This familiar, accessible practice starts with a trusted standing flow, and moves towards intentional strengthening for the posterior chain (back body). It closes with seated...
43 min all levels w/ Justicia: full spectrum
When we visit the basics with intentionality, we find that not only are the basic poses and movements indispensable, they're not really all that easy! This full spectrum practice includes CARs for the shoulders and spine, as well as all four movements of the spine. A familiar standing pose warmup...
60 min advanced w/ Justicia: heart openers + backbends
The yoga philosophy gives us a rubric to help us know when we're on a heart-oriented path, or bhakti yoga. This practice builds slowly with progressive quad stretches and backbends to move towards deep backbending in inversions and beyond. A wall could be helpful for the pincha mayurasana (forear...
36 min maha mobility w/ Justicia: fingers, hands + wrists
This mobility practice targets the hands, fingers and wrists, and is a wonderful complement to a regular asana practice. It focuses on the less used functions of finger extension and wrist flexion, aiming to create more balanced strength in our hands. Most of this practice is seated, and you may ...
36 min all levels w/ Justicia: full spectrum
As we travel our path of spiritual pursuits and gather insights, we must still always tend to the mundane, everyday parts of life. This accessible, full spectrum practice opens with a familiar, warming flow of sun salutations and standing poses. It progresses to standing balances, and closes with...
48 min all levels w/ Justicia: low back love
Discomfort in the low back is often the result of tightness and weakness in the legs and pelvis. This practice aims to support the low back via stretching, strengthening and mobility work of the thighs and pelvis. After opening the quads, hamstrings and hip flexors, practice progresses to mobilit...
38 min all levels w/ Justicia: full spectrum
Yoga reminds us that our nature is change, and we learn to align with that change on and off our mat. This efficient, mobility-informed flow aims to get blood flow throughout all of the body's major joints, and move the spine through all of its actions. You'll need a block!
34 min all levels w/ Justicia: full spectrum
This mobility-informed, full spectrum practice gets blood flow through the major joints and incorporates all four movements of the spine into an efficient, accessible practice. A familiar standing pose opening is followed by deeper work in postures like low lunge, gate pose, and squat. Class ends...
55 min all levels w/ Justicia: full spectrum
Our changeability is one of our greatest assets, both on and off the yoga mat. This full spectrum, mobility-infused practice opens with a familiar standing flow, then moves towards urdhva dhunurasana (upward facing bow) via chest and shoulder openers, progressive backbending and front body stretc...
35 min all levels w/ Justicia: low back love
Long travel can wreak havoc on the lower back. This efficiency practice aims to release low back tightness from too much sitting with progressive side bends, twists, hip openers and hip extension. Two blocks and a blanket could be helpful.
55 min all levels w/ Justicia: shoulder mobility
In this shoulder mobility-focused practice, the shoulders are strengthened through a range of positions. Throughout a traditional, familiar sequence, the shoulders are intentionally moved through their full ranges of movement. There's time for pincha myaurasana (forearmstand), and an extended sup...
60 min all levels w/ Justicia: full spectrum
The bulk of practice should be doable, repeatable actions that create a broad foundation. Little by little, again and again, this effort changes us deeply. This accessible, full-spectrum practices moves towards urdhva dhanurasana (upward facing bow) via familiar prep of quad stretches, backbends ...
30 min all levels w/ Justicia: hand + wrist mobility (off the wrists)
A traditional yoga practice contains a lot of weight bearing on the hands and wrists, and that repetitive movement can take a toll over times. This mobility inspired practice is entirely non-weight bearing in the upper body, and looks to create more balance in the wrists and hands. After the open...
41 min all levels w/ Justicia: hip flexor strength + length
Chronic tightness in our hip flexors (psoas major) is common when we sit a lot, and the issue is not only that these muscles are short, but also that they're weak. This efficient practice incorporates progressive strengthening and lengthening of these muscles, moving towards supta virasana (recli...
58 min all levels w/ Justicia: strong back body
Keeping the posterior chain (back body) strong helps the lower back stay resilient and supple. This moderate practice incorporates gentle backbends and mobility work (spinal segmentation and joint CARs) to create tone and strength in the back. It ends with hip rotations, bridge pose variations an...
75 min advanced w/ Justicia
Our capacity for growth is often limited by how much feedback we can receive about ourselves without turning away. This is the heart of yoga: svadhyaya, or self study. This strong and intentional practice moves towards visvamittrasana (friend of the universe pose) with powerful standing hip opene...
60 min all levels w/ Justicia
The future appears as the past to become the present; yoga asks us to bring our insights from the past and hopes for the future to the present moment. This practice moves towards the arm balance eka pada galavasana (flying pigeon) through progressive prep of similar shapes. It builds with a famil...
60 min all levels w/ Justicia: backbends + chest openers
Instead of thinking of a 'guru' as only the person ahead of us on the path, Rajanaka Tantra posits that the guru principle informs how we safely progress on our paths with guidance from multiple teachers, including ourselves. This practice moves towards naginyasana 2 (the low lunge variation of m...
60 min all levels w/ Justicia: heart openers
Shape shift to state shift. This practice emphasizes external rotation of the upper arms in chest openers in service of keeping our heart open in difficult times. It includes time for pincha mayurasana (forearm stand), so a wall could be helpful. You'll need two yoga blocks.
53 min all levels w/ Justicia: hamstrings
Life is a precious gift, and both our awe and our grief remind us of this. This all levels practice aims to strengthen and lengthen the hamstrings and includes a couple arm balances along the way. Standing balances and arm balances follow a familiar opening sequence of standing poses. It moves to...
60 min all levels w/ Justicia: hips + hamstrings
You are much more likely to stick to your routine if you build flexibility into it. This practice aims to strengthen and lengthen both the hip flexors and the hamstrings. Practice includes a familiar standing pose warmup and progresses to some challenging single leg balancing work. There's an opt...