20 min mini-workshop w/ Katrina: downward dog 101
This workshop is the perfect introduction to the very ubiquitous and often very confusing pose of downward dog. Delivered mini-workshop style and intended for people who are knew to yoga in general, new to Maha, or just want a refresher on some of the finer details of this pose. We talk about wha...
35 min all levels: full spectrum flow
What's the difference between flow yoga and alignment yoga anyway? This short class specifies what distinguishes the styles, and takes a more vinyasa flow approach to practice, linking movements with breath. The full spectrum flow aims to open the body efficiently and effectively.
30 min all levels w/ Katrina: forward fold techniques
This nuanced practice breaks down and explores the use of kidney loop in forward folding. The action of actvating the upper abdoninals back and up allows for deeper access into all types of forward bending, such as uttanasana, baddha konsasna and agnistambasana, practiced here, but is also useful...
45 min prenatal w/ Jess: full spectrum
This class focuses on opening up the parts of the body that tend to get tight during pregnancy and also builds some heat with standing poses and wall sits. If you're further along, you may want to set yourself up with the long side of the mat against a wall, for more stability. Make sure you have...
45 min all levels w/ Justicia: chest & shoulder openers
I notice myself hardening in the front body when these Spring days take a turn for the colder and damper. This practice aims to open across the chest and front shoulders with a supported heart opener on a block, poses like purvottanasana (upward facing table), bhekasana (frog) and ustrasana (came...
30 min all levels w/ Katrina: morning movement + meditation
This brief practice gets moving quickly with full spectrum movement to mobilize stuff joints and muscles in the morning (or anytime!). End with a seated or reclined mediation to set yourself up for whatever the day has in store. Have a blanket!
18 min yoga x HIIT w/ Jess: gentle/ prenatal friendly
This is a a gentler introduction to Yoga x HIIT, which is ideal for prenatal or postnatal students, and can also be enjoyed by those who are not pregnant. During pregnancy, we can try to sustain our strength by incorporating some pregnancy-safe, strength building movements into our yoga practice....
30 min all levels w/ Justicia: full spectrum
Pushed a little too hard in your last yoga practice? Doing a new workout and feeling it the next day? This is your practice! This 37 minute class is a thorough, holistic practice that targets all muscle groups, and aims to put your body back together after a tough workout.