45 min gentle w/ Katrina: balancing for breath + body
Katrina Atkin
This balancing practice starts with a balancing pranayama (breath work) called nadi shodhana and moves into gentle movement and practicing balancing both on two feet in a lunge and one foot in tree pose. Have a blanket for kneeling poses.
Up Next in Katrina Atkin
30 min restorative w/ Katrina: yoga n...
Yoga Nidra is a type of guided meditation that is often practiced in savasana. Have comfortable and warm clothing, pillows - perhaps under your knees - and plenty of blankets for a very cozy setup. (We will be in savasana or your preferred meditation posture the whole time.)
45 min basics w/ Katrina: twists + ha...
This basics practice focuses on chest opening and twists with half binds for added depth. Have blocks and a strap and a blanket for the knees.
30 min basics w/ Katrina: sides + psoas
This basics practice moves through a few sun salutations to begin before engaging with lunges and deep side bends to really open the side body and hip flexors. We end with bridge on a block. Have a bock and a blanket or cushion for the knees!