Deepthi Rao

Deepthi Rao

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Deepthi Rao
  • 8 min pranayama w/ Deepthi: anulom vilom pranayama

    Anulom vilom pranayama is also known as alternate nostril breathing. This practice does not focus on retention but rather a seamless flow of breath alternating between nostrils. This helps set the cadence and rhythm for your breath while having a calming and balancing effect on the mind.

    This pr...

  • 33 min yoga nidra w/ Deepthi

    Yoga Nidra is a pratyahara (withdrawal of senses) practice that helps turn down sensory input and turn the awareness inwards. This Yoga Nidra is designed to build a deeper awareness of the prana (energy body) and its various manifestations (pancha prana) based on the physiological function and lo...

  • 18 min pranayama w/ Deepthi: sama vritti

    Start the pranayama series with Deepthi here. Sama Vritti also means equal parts. In this practice we re-train our breath to inhale, exhale and retain the breath for an equal amount of time. This pranayama is effective to build clarity and helps regulate the nervous system.You can do this at any ...

  • 10 min pranayama w/ Deepthi: sheetali and sheetkari

    This is a cooling pranayama, best suited for summer. It helps promote muscular relaxation. This practice involves inhaling through the mouth and exhaling through the nose. Therefore, ensure you are in a clean environment when you practice this.

    This practice is contraindicated for those with an...

  • 9 min pranayama w/ Deepthi: brahmari pranayama

    Also known as the Humming Bee breath, this practice involves creating a humming sound like that of a bee, very similar to extending the “M” sound in OM. This practice helps build tone of the vagal nerve as well as increase cerebral blood flow. It can be a highly grounding and internalizing practi...