

A slower, informative practice great for beginners and all seeking a more detailed practice.

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  • 45 min basics w/ Katrina: hips

    This basics practice focuses on hip opening to relieve lower back discomfort. It is not recommended if you are in an acute flare or injury. We will do various stretches such as down dog/lunge hybrid, pigeon, and malasana squat. Have a blanket and two blocks.

  • 45 min basics w/ Katrina: get into bridge with hands bound

    This basics practice proceeds as a workshop, building up to bridge pose with the hands bound. We will do a short warm up, prepping shoulders and hips for the backbend, and then progress through a sequence of bridge variations. Have two blocks, a blanket, and a strap.

  • 45 min basics w/ Katrina: get into side plank

    This basics practice breaks down the fundamentals of side plank and goes through 4 variations of the pose, ending with the classic form. Choose your stop along the way and repeat as necessary. Have a blanket for your knees!

  • 45 min basics w/ Katrina: get into lizard

    This practice goes through the mechanics of lizard lunge and answers the age old question - is it a strength pose or a stretch pose? Have two blocks and a blanket!

  • 45 min intermediate basics w/ Katrina: get into ardha chandrachapasana

    **This practice is an intermediate basics practice. It is recommended that you are quite familiar and relatively comfortable with ardha chandrasana (half moon) before enjoying this practice.**

    Ardha chandrachapasana (half moon sugarcane variation) is half moon with a quad stretch. We will progr...

  • 30 min basics w/ Katrina: happy hips

    This basics practice focuses on stretching both the fronts and sides of the hips. We start with sun salutations, and go into various hip stretches, talking about ways to make them more effective. Have a blanket and two blocks.

  • 45 min basics w/ Katrina: get into ardha bhekasana

    This basics practice is delivered workshop style as we prepare for and break down the quad stretch pose of half frog (ardha bhekasana). Have a blanket, two blocks, and a strap of some kind.

  • 4 min w/ Jill: tips for low plank

    Learn an easy hack for keeping your chest lifted and back muscles engaged in chaturanga, to move toward healthier alignment during sun salutations and better technique in certain arm balances. This technique requires a yoga strap that you can make a loop with.

  • 45 min basics w/ Katrina: twists + half binds

    This basics practice focuses on chest opening and twists with half binds for added depth. Have blocks and a strap and a blanket for the knees.

  • 30 min basics w/ Katrina: sides + psoas

    This basics practice moves through a few sun salutations to begin before engaging with lunges and deep side bends to really open the side body and hip flexors. We end with bridge on a block. Have a bock and a blanket or cushion for the knees!

  • 45 min basics w/ Katrina: get into pyramid

    This basics practice aims to explore the finer details of pyramid pose. We will focus of course on alignment first and foremost, with additional details such as isometrics and the philosophy of looking and folding inward. Have a blanket and two blocks!

  • 45 min basics w/ Katrina: get into camel

    Camel is a wonerful backbend that requires openness in the chest, hip flexors, and quads. We will do all of those preparations and then come to a series of camel poses. Have a blanket, two blocks, and a strap.

  • 45 min basics w/ Katrina: easy, breezy sun salutations

    While many basics practices focus on learning something new, this practice keeps moving with simple, most likely familiar poses. We start with sun salutations, including lunging and side stretching, and end with twists. Have a blanket or towel, and two optional yoga blocks.

  • 45 min basics w/ Katrina: get into king cobra

    This basics practice breaks down king cobra, one of my favorite belly-down backbends that doesn’t get enough love! The energetic boost from backbends can often be felt after doing the pose, so we will focus on the information and sensation in the after space. Physically, we will open the spine, s...

  • 28 min FRC basics w/ Alan: elbow pronation

    Rotation is a fundamental movement of the elbow capsule. Pronation (sometimes referred to as internal rotation) is the action of turning the forearm and palm towards the ground. This action helps us put force into the ground and helps stabilize the hands and shoulder in arm balances. This FRC bas...

  • 45 min basics w/ Katrina: get into standing split

    This basics practice breaks down the actions required for a healthy and productive experience in standing split, or standing L pose. This pose can be an afterthought in all levels classes, so this practice makes sure that when it shows up for you, you are prepared. Hamstrings that are stretching ...

  • 16 min yoga nidra w/ Justicia

    Yoga Nidra is also known as Non Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR), and is scientifically proven to make one feel more alert, rested and focused, without sleeping! The practice is a guided relaxation and body scan, and is done completely passive in savasana (corpse pose), or similar. Have any props you use f...

  • 24 min FRC w/ Alan: shoulder blade protraction

    The scapula (shoulder blade) is a concave structure on a convex base; protraction is the action that wraps the shoulder blade forward and around the ribcage, and also stabilizes the shoulder blade against the ribcage. This action is driven mainly by the serratus anterior, which is a powerhouse fo...

  • 45 min basics w/ Katrina: full spectrum (nothing standing)

    This 45 minute basics practice was developed to accommodate healing from a foot injury while still offering full spectrum mobility and strength, so no poses are practiced standing or with any intense stretch on the feet (although there are some low lunges with one knee down on the floor!). There ...

  • 27 min FRC basics: elbow extension

    The triceps are the long muscle group on the back of the arm that cross both the shoulder and the elbow. They assist in upper body pushing movement both in front of and behind the body. In this basics class, we focus on bringing them into their shortest position, behind the body. Lengthening them...

  • 35 min FRC basics w/ Alan: elbow supination

    Elbow supination is the action that turns the forearm up and out. Rotation is the fundamental movement of your elbow joint; the deepest muscles and tendons are rotational, and all the other movements are layered on top of these. In this class, we focus on building range, increasing joint strength...

  • 30 min basics w/ Katrina: get ready for sleep

    This practice aims to help you wind down and get ready for sleep. Start out by clear energy from the day with some stretching and gentle movement, and move on to relaxing your body and soothing your back before bed. Have a blanket for your knees and two blocks.

  • 45 min basics w/ Katrina: get into ardha hanumanasana

    In this practice we will prepare and break down ardha hanumanasana, or half split. We focus on how to engage the muscles properly so as not to injure or overstretch, and end with a few cooling poses before savasana. Have a blanket and two blocks (one block will also work, but two is better if you...

  • 30 min mini-workshop w/ Katrina: care for tech neck

    In this mini-workshop, learn about different ways to soothe and re-align a neck that is tight from spending a lot of time at a computer, driving, etc. We will focus on shoulder alignment first, and then move to strengthening the back of the neck and upper back. Another important component will be...