

This class is for experienced students who want to approach intermediate and advanced poses in a supportive, fun way. Practice will move towards challenging poses with reverence and expert instruction from Justicia.

Students are recommended to be able to kick up to handstand at the wall unassisted and balance headstand in the middle of the room (note those are recommendations and not requirements; if you are able to play your own edge safely and are interested, please join us! A range of modifications and options will be offered for all).

  • 75 min advanced w/ Justicia

    Our capacity for growth is often limited by how much feedback we can receive about ourselves without turning away. This is the heart of yoga: svadhyaya, or self study. This strong and intentional practice moves towards visvamittrasana (friend of the universe pose) with powerful standing hip opene...

  • 60 min advancing w/ Justicia: backbends, inversions + ankle mobility

    This practice moves towards a straight legged variation of dwi pada viparita dandasana via focused mobility prep of the ankles, especially plantar flexion, as well as both hip flexor length and strength. It includes time for both pincha mayurasana (forearmstand), as well as sirsasana (headstand),...

  • 75 min advanced w/ Justicia: backbends + inversions

    Our nature is change; when we step into our adaptability, we are strong and resilient. This practice applies Functional Range Conditioning (FRC) work for shoulder flexion to support the arms overhead in backbends. This work will help you build both mobility and stability in your shoulders as you ...

  • 60 min advanced w/ Justicia: hips, inversions + arm balances

    This playful practice

  • 75 min advanced w/ Justicia: backbends

    The body and breath are wondrous, but we can get caught up in our mundane daily life and lose our connection to wonder. The Sanskrit word for wonder is adbhuta, and our yoga practice can help us cultivate adbhuta. This backbending practice moves towards kapotasana (pigeon) via shoulder and chest ...

  • 75 min advanced w/ Justicia: backbends + inversions

    End range flexibility should always be expressed in terms of strength. This class moves towards backbends with the arms in the overhead plane as strength-based expressions. Class includes a few variations of pincha mayurasana (forearmstand), so a wall may be helpful. The sequence deepens progress...

  • 75 min advanced w/ Justicia: arm balances

    There is always something to practice! If we've encountered a challenge that seems impossible, yoga teaches us how to zoom back and work on a smaller element of our goal. This practice applies that in arm balances and arm balance transitions. It includes twists, binds and plenty of hamstring open...

  • 75 min advanced w/ Justicia: quad stretches + backbends

    Hard times remain hard times even though we are doing our best to support ourselves and each other. This deliberate practice opens the front body methodically to prepare for kapotasana (pigeon pose), paryankasana (couch pose) and supta virasana (reclined hero's pose). It includes inversion practi...

  • 75 min advanced w/ Justicia: inversions & backbends

    Instead of trying to free ourselves from desire, yoga invites us to bring forward the deepest shringara (desire) of our hearts. Our yoga is a practice, then, of uncovering what we most want. This playful practice incorporates inversions and backbends to move towards dropping over from sirsasana (...

  • 75 min advanced w/ Justicia: hamstrings, twists and side bends

    In yoga, prana is defined as life force, and it relates to the element of water, flowing through channels in the body. This practice opens the hamstrings and spine for visvamitrasana (friend of the universe posture) by fortifying strong boundaries in the physical body for the pranic body to fill....

  • 90 min advanced w/ Justicia: hamstrings, twists, & side bends

    Svatantrya: every act makes an impact in our interconnected web. Deep, stretchy advanced practice with extended seated poses to open the body for surya yantrasana (sundial). Includes time to practice pincha mayurasana (forearmstand) and sirsasana (headstand).

  • 90 min advanced w/ Justicia: arm balances & deep hip openers

    Choose joy! Glimmers of joy come in the hard times, never not. 90-minute advanced practice: arm balances from headstand, deep hip openers. Includes detailed instruction on transitioning from sirsasana to bakasana and/ or eka pada galavasana. Extended seated hip openers and supine sequence to close.

  • 75 min advanced w/ Justicia: hip openers, arm balances, & transitions

    Most of us will not show up for something new because it is so uncomfortable to do something we are bad at. Hip openers and arm balances, including transitioning from sirsasana to bakasana, as well as eka pada galavasana.

  • 75 min advanced w/ Justicia: backbends w/ overhead grip

    There is a structure around us and within us that we can attend to to ground us in uncertain time. 75 min advanced backbends with detailed instruction to work the padangustha (overhead) grip in eka pada raja kapotasana and kapinjalasana. Includes time for pincha mayurasana.

  • 90 min advanced w/ Justicia: hamstrings & inversions

    83-minute (ha! what even is time) advanced practice. Hamstring-heavy practice that includes handstand, headstand and shoulderstand. Plus arm balances!

  • 75 min advanced w/ Justicia: backbends

    There are only two rules on the spiritual path: 1. Begin, 2. Continue. You do not need to finish today, nor are you absolved from your role. Deep backbends to prep for valkhilyasana and anjanayasana, includes long cool-down of counter poses.

  • 75 min advanced w/ Justicia: upper back & shoulder opening, backbends

    The shoulders are the gateway to the heart. Technical alignment of the shoulders here as the pathway to open the upper back, moving towards dwi pada viparita dandasana and dropping over into that pose from sirsasna. Includes pincha mayurasana repetitions.

  • 75 min advanced w/ Justicia: hamstrings, side bends & twists

    Invest in practice, not resolutions. Change is most often made little by little over the long haul. This practice moves towards visvamitrasana, and includes ways to modify that posture to make it more accessible. Have a strap!

  • 90 min advanced w/ Justicia: backbends

    The practice as introspection is a diagnostic, a means to reflect back your inner state. As such, advanced asana is not about complicated poses, but rather being in right relationship with ourself. Practice moved towards the deep backbend eka pada rajakapotasana, and includes the inversion pincha...

  • 120 min advanced w/ Justicia: backbends

    How we engage our dharma creates our karma. 2-hour advanced, vigorous backbends with reps of dhanurasana and bhekasana varations moving towards baby gherandasana, kapotasana. Includes inversions. Yoga strap and access to a wall recommended. This is a fun, strong one!

  • 120 min advanced w/ Justicia: inversions

    Alignment and technique are the keys to use our strength and flexibility with fluency. This practice has a range of inversions with technical instruction.

  • 120 min advanced w/ Justicia: hip openers, binds, backbends & inversions

    When overwhelmed by how far we need to go, we can get leverage by remembering that all we need to do right now is make the next, best choice. This is a vigorous, playful practice with hip openers and backbends. Includes bound eka pada raja kapotasana, pincha mayurasana repetitions, drop back and ...

  • 75 min advanced w/ Justicia: chest & shoulder openers

    Orient yourself in the way of your own heart. This practice has technical alignment info to open the arms and shoulders in the overhead plane as well as the chest for backbends. It moves towards kapotasana and includes time for pincha mayurasana (forearmstand). Have a block and a strap.

  • 120 min advanced w/ Justicia: twists, side bends, & backbends

    Summer solstice 2-hour practice moving towards mandalasana. Includes headstand, forearm stand and handstand variations. Wall space helpful; have a strap and a block!