75 min advanced w/ Justicia: quad stretches + backbends
1h 19m
Hard times remain hard times even though we are doing our best to support ourselves and each other. This deliberate practice opens the front body methodically to prepare for kapotasana (pigeon pose), paryankasana (couch pose) and supta virasana (reclined hero's pose). It includes inversion practice with pincha mayurasana (forearmstand), and has a sweet cool down of twists and side bends. Have a block and strap!
Up Next in Advancing
75 min advanced w/ Justicia: inversio...
Instead of trying to free ourselves from desire, yoga invites us to bring forward the deepest shringara (desire) of our hearts. Our yoga is a practice, then, of uncovering what we most want. This playful practice incorporates inversions and backbends to move towards dropping over from sirsasana (...
75 min advanced w/ Justicia: hamstrin...
In yoga, prana is defined as life force, and it relates to the element of water, flowing through channels in the body. This practice opens the hamstrings and spine for visvamitrasana (friend of the universe posture) by fortifying strong boundaries in the physical body for the pranic body to fill....
90 min advanced w/ Justicia: hamstrin...
Svatantrya: every act makes an impact in our interconnected web. Deep, stretchy advanced practice with extended seated poses to open the body for surya yantrasana (sundial). Includes time to practice pincha mayurasana (forearmstand) and sirsasana (headstand).