60 min all levels w/ Justicia: hips, hamstrings + arm balances
All Levels
1h 1m
Maintenance phases are times when we are asked to hold it together, times of steadiness and patience. The yoga mat is a great place to work with the concept of the maintenance phases, and allowing it to shift to the next phase when it's ready. This class moves towards the arm balances bakasana, bhujapidasana and titibhasana with patience and care, and includes a cool down with release for the hip flexors and the chest.
Up Next in All Levels
30 min all levels w/ Jill: reverse br...
This 30-minute class unlinks the usual connection of breath and movement that has been shown to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps us to feel calm and relaxed. Practitioners will inhale when they are used to exhaling and exhale when they are used to inhaling, briefly activat...
25 min all levels w/ Jess: hip rotation
In this technical practice, we look specifically at internal and external rotation of the thigh bone in the hip socket. There are a lot of small movements that you can take from this practice and incorporate into your daily routine that will be useful if you have tight hips or notice your range o...
45 min all levels w/ Jess: full spectrum
In busy times and times of change, the breath is always there to help ground us in the present moment. A gentle, full spectrum practice with lateral standing poses, standing balancing poses and backbends, moving into Ardha Chandra Chapasana (sugarcane pose). It would be helpful to have two blocks...