30 min all levels mini-workshop w/ Justicia: safe sun salutations
Surya Namaskar, the sun salutation, is a powerful blend of asana (posture), pranayama (breath practice), and dhyana (meditation) designed to stretch and strengthen all of the body's major muscle groups. The sequence bestows the benefits of a complete practice including strength, flexibility, calm and clarity.
However, when practiced incorrectly or thoughtlessly, Surya Namaskar can cause frustration, struggle, strain and even injury. In this mini-workshop, we will deconstruct the components of Surya Namaskar A, distill each pose to its essence, and learn to incorporate alignment, breath and various modifications to reach towards our highest, safest potential as yogis. This mini-workshop includes detailed, practical anatomy information (especially about the complex upper body movements needed for Chaturanga Dandasana, or Low Plank); discussion of common yoga injuries and how to avoid them; and variations of the sequence appropriate for all levels.