25 min mini-workshop w/ Katrina: Balance 101
20-30 Minutes
In this mini-workshop, we go through the 5 key ideas for successful balancing poses- foundation of the feet, structural alignment, core strength, breath, and gaze. It is recommended to have something nearby to support your balance, such as a chair or a wall.
Up Next in 20-30 Minutes
30 min all levels w/ Jill: reverse br...
This 30-minute class unlinks the usual connection of breath and movement that has been shown to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps us to feel calm and relaxed. Practitioners will inhale when they are used to exhaling and exhale when they are used to inhaling, briefly activat...
25 min all levels w/ Jess: hip rotation
In this technical practice, we look specifically at internal and external rotation of the thigh bone in the hip socket. There are a lot of small movements that you can take from this practice and incorporate into your daily routine that will be useful if you have tight hips or notice your range o...
30 min gentle w/ Katrina: intro to pr...
Pranayama offers ways of controlled breathing that can balance, ground, energize, or calm. In this practice, we will learn three types of pranayama: nadi shodhana, ujjayi, and sama vritti. While this practice focuses on the breath, there will be some movement interspersed to get the body going. H...