60 min all levels w/ Justicia: hips + hamstrings
You are much more likely to stick to your routine if you build flexibility into it. This practice aims to strengthen and lengthen both the hip flexors and the hamstrings. Practice includes a familiar standing pose warmup and progresses to some challenging single leg balancing work. There's an opt...
45 min basics w/ Katrina: get into camel
Camel is a wonerful backbend that requires openness in the chest, hip flexors, and quads. We will do all of those preparations and then come to a series of camel poses. Have a blanket, two blocks, and a strap.
37 min maha mobility basics w/ Alan: wrist capsule
The deepest tissues in the wrist form the capsule of the joint, and capsule space is needed for all wrist movements. In this class, we focus on the tissues that tilt the wrist, stabilizing the sides of the wrist and forearm. We work on waking up these tissues and bringing awareness to that area w...
60 min advancing w/ Justicia: backbends, inversions + ankle mobility
This practice moves towards a straight legged variation of dwi pada viparita dandasana via focused mobility prep of the ankles, especially plantar flexion, as well as both hip flexor length and strength. It includes time for both pincha mayurasana (forearmstand), as well as sirsasana (headstand),...