71 min all levels w/ Justicia: backbends
To straighten the arms in urdhva dhanurasana (upward facing bow), the body needs extensive prep, including opening the quadriceps and hip flexors, prepping the spine, opening the shoulders and chest, and strengthening the wrists. This practice includes thorough prep of the full body, and also off...
30 min gentle w/ Katrina: twists + pranayama
In this 30 minute practice, we will do two forms of pranayama (breathing exercises) and some gentle spinal mobility focusing on twists. Have a blanket or cushion for the seated portion.
60 min all levels w/ Justicia: full spectrum
The three acts of the universe are creation, maintenance and destruction; they unfold sequentially and also all at once. This practice emphasizes internal rotation of the thigh bones in the hips to move towards poses like garudasana (eagle pose) and urdhva dhanurasana (upward facing bow). It inc...
45 min basics w/ Katrina: get into standing split
This basics practice breaks down the actions required for a healthy and productive experience in standing split, or standing L pose. This pose can be an afterthought in all levels classes, so this practice makes sure that when it shows up for you, you are prepared. Hamstrings that are stretching ...
37 min FRC w/ Alan: Shoulder ABduction
Shoulder ABduction in the action of moving the arms away from the midline, or opening them up for a big hug! This movement can be limited by weakness in the back of the shoulder or tightness in the large muscles of the chest. Strengthening the front of the chest at the end range will create more ...