55 min all levels w/ Justicia: lunge and squat depth via ankle mobility
Justicia DeClue
Dorsiflexion (the ankle movement that closes the front angle of the ankle) is not often addressed in yoga, so many yogis lack depth in this movement. This practice emphasizes dorsiflexion in malasana (yogic squat), skandasana (side lunge, or cossack squat), and depth in a low lunge variation. It also moves towards goddess pose and offers some binds. Practice ends with seated forward bends and a supine twist.
Props needed: strap and blocks.
Up Next in Justicia DeClue
71 min all levels w/ Justicia: backbends
To straighten the arms in urdhva dhanurasana (upward facing bow), the body needs extensive prep, including opening the quadriceps and hip flexors, prepping the spine, opening the shoulders and chest, and strengthening the wrists. This practice includes thorough prep of the full body, and also off...
60 min all levels w/ Justicia: full s...
The three acts of the universe are creation, maintenance and destruction; they unfold sequentially and also all at once. This practice emphasizes internal rotation of the thigh bones in the hips to move towards poses like garudasana (eagle pose) and urdhva dhanurasana (upward facing bow). It inc...
16 min yoga nidra w/ Justicia
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