January 2022

January 2022

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January 2022
  • 20 min basics w/ Katrina: calves + hamstrings

    This short practice aims to stretch and open the backs of the legs - the calves and hamstrings. This place can get tight from running, walking, and stress. We will do a short warm up and then get right to the stretches. Have two blocks and a blanket!

  • 60 min all levels w/ Anisha: backbends + upper back

    During the winter months, the upper back and front body tend to hold a lot of tightness in order to keep us warm outside. This class both strengthens and opens the upper back with poses like Dolphin Pose and backbends. Have water and a block!

  • 25 min mini-workshop w/ Katrina: Balance 101

    In this mini-workshop, we go through the 5 key ideas for successful balancing poses- foundation of the feet, structural alignment, core strength, breath, and gaze. It is recommended to have something nearby to support your balance, such as a chair or a wall.

  • 60 min all levels w/ Justicia: hips, hamstrings + arm balances

    Maintenance phases are times when we are asked to hold it together, times of steadiness and patience. The yoga mat is a great place to work with the concept of the maintenance phases, and allowing it to shift to the next phase when it's ready. This class moves towards the arm balances bakasana, b...

  • 30 min all levels w/ Jill: reverse breathing

    This 30-minute class unlinks the usual connection of breath and movement that has been shown to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps us to feel calm and relaxed. Practitioners will inhale when they are used to exhaling and exhale when they are used to inhaling, briefly activat...

  • 45 min basics w/ Katrina: get into bound side angle

    Bound side angle is a deep pose and deeply rewarding pose. With a strap, it becomes very doable and is a wonderful way to open the chest. We will spend plenty of time stretching the shoulders to prepare, and then break down the pose from the bottom to the top so that it all makes sense. Have a st...

  • 75 min advanced w/ Justicia: quad stretches + backbends

    Hard times remain hard times even though we are doing our best to support ourselves and each other. This deliberate practice opens the front body methodically to prepare for kapotasana (pigeon pose), paryankasana (couch pose) and supta virasana (reclined hero's pose). It includes inversion practi...

  • 45 min basics w/ Katrina: get into revolved half moon

    Revolved half moon is a tricky balance, deep twist, and major hip opener. Therefore it can feel really gratifying to explore and play with! Have two blocks on hand for breaking down this challenging pose.