55 min all levels w/ Justicia: backbends
60 Minutes
This backbends practice was specifically designed to support the SI joint in backbends, especially if it's prone to hyper mobility. But you don't need SI issues to enjoy this grounded approach to ustrasana and urdhva dhanurasana via strong work in standing poses and technical alignment of the sacrum and tailbone. There's an opportunity to invert (pincha mayurasana), so a wall may be helpful. After savasana, Justicia shares a PT-inspired exercise specifically addressing hyper mobile SI joints!
Up Next in 60 Minutes
55 min all levels w/ Justicia: hamstr...
Opening the hamstrings effectively hinges upon broadening of the back body- specifically the low back, pelvis and hamstrings themselves. This practice moves methodically through the body to create space in the hamstrings via twists, side bends and forward folds. It includes pincha mayurasana (for...
60 min all levels w/ Justicia: heart ...
Backbends are first attitudinal, and they both require and bestow an open heart. This practice focuses on the inner stance of back bending and heart opening, using the pranic fullness of the chest and upper back to facilitate opening the chest and upper back. Class moves towards dwi pada viparita...
60 min all levels w/ Justicia: full s...
The cycles of creation, maintenance and destruction are inside each of us, as well as around us; when we can see the smaller cycles within the context of the bigger rhythms of life, it gives us perspective and poise. This full spectrum practice culminates in a technical approach to urdhva dhanura...