60 min all levels w/ Justicia: hips, hamstrings + arm balances
60 Minutes
1h 1m
Maintenance phases are times when we are asked to hold it together, times of steadiness and patience. The yoga mat is a great place to work with the concept of the maintenance phases, and allowing it to shift to the next phase when it's ready. This class moves towards the arm balances bakasana, bhujapidasana and titibhasana with patience and care, and includes a cool down with release for the hip flexors and the chest.
Up Next in 60 Minutes
60 min all levels w/ Jill: contractio...
Learn to refine engagement without moving! This full spectrum class centers isometrics and contractions so you can build strength effectively. Instead of a peak pose, it's a way to practice that makes every pose a peak pose. Have two blocks handy!
60 min all levels w/ Alan: rest & rec...
Easy movement, myofascial release and a guided body scan are sequenced to chill the body out and aid in rest and recovery. Have a ball (thera-ball, tennis ball or similar) and a block.
60 min all levels w/ Justicia: should...
The guru takes the three forms of teacher, self, and community; all must be present for effective learning. This technical practice focuses on rotation of the upper arms as the gateway to chest and upper back opening. It includes pincha mayurasana (forearmstand) and ustrasana (camel pose), and in...