42 min FRC w/ Alan: shoulder external rotation
45 Minutes
Humans are one of the few mammals with a laterally oriented shoulder, this gives us the ability to have a huge range of motion, and as the shoulders capsular function rotation is the base of all that movement. Whether you're throwing, swimming, or just digging in the garden the movements from external to internal rotation allows us to open up and create a massive amount of force. Often because the internal rotators are stronger and bigger then their counterparts, and life is more forward, it's easier for the muscle to become more dominant, cutting off our ability to externally rotate, and ultimately decreasing our overall force production. today we will open up more external rotation and create more structure and fluency in these often overlooked little but hugely important muscle
Common compensations in the base are extending the spine or rolling to the opposite side. Also, turning the head towards the working arm will give you some extra space; turning away will close it off.
Up Next in 45 Minutes
35 min FRC w/ Alan: ankles
Your feet are a primary sense organ for telling your brain what is happening on the ground below you. Everything that happens there reverberates up the kinetic chain, so any lack of mobility or stability here can affect the rest of the body.
This mobility class works on rotation and dorsiflexi...
45 min basics w/ Katrina: hips + shou...
This basics practice focuses on opening up the shoulders and hips in as many planes of movement as possible! Have a blanket and a strap.
50 min FRC w/ Alan: hip rotation (IR ...
Our lives are very linear, so it makes sense that many of us lack end range rotation, in this class we will work on restoring some of that rotations to create more mobile hips