45 min gentle w/ Katrina: balancing for breath + body
This balancing practice starts with a balancing pranayama (breath work) called nadi shodhana and moves into gentle movement and practicing balancing both on two feet in a lunge and one foot in tree pose. Have a blanket for kneeling poses.
75 min advanced w/ Justicia
Our capacity for growth is often limited by how much feedback we can receive about ourselves without turning away. This is the heart of yoga: svadhyaya, or self study. This strong and intentional practice moves towards visvamittrasana (friend of the universe pose) with powerful standing hip opene...
4 min w/ Jill: tips for low plank
Learn an easy hack for keeping your chest lifted and back muscles engaged in chaturanga, to move toward healthier alignment during sun salutations and better technique in certain arm balances. This technique requires a yoga strap that you can make a loop with.
30 min restorative w/ Katrina: yoga nidra
Yoga Nidra is a type of guided meditation that is often practiced in savasana. Have comfortable and warm clothing, pillows - perhaps under your knees - and plenty of blankets for a very cozy setup. (We will be in savasana or your preferred meditation posture the whole time.)