Our gentle offerings are a softer, slower-paced practice, great for aging anatomy, anyone wanting an accessible approach or if you're easing back into your practice after an injury. Limited time is spent on hands and wrists.
Beginners welcome.
45 min gentle w/ Katrina: spinal movements
This gentle practice clearly and carefully mobilizes the spine in the various directions that it moves in - front/back, side/side, and rotation. We will do a few poses on the knees, so have a blanket or other cushion if needed.
33 min gentle w/ Katrina: grounding practice
This gentle practice starts standing and makes it's way down to the floor, focusing on grounding through the feet, then hands, then hips and back of head. Have a blanket handy.
36 min gentle w/ Katrina: hip movements
This gentle practices includes mobility movements for the hips as well as poses are focus on as many directions of hip movements as possible, including some balancing poses. Have a blanket.
45 min gentle w/ Katrina: cooling practice
This practice starts with a cooling form of pranayama and moves onto gentle backbends and hamstring opening. We end with a few restful restorative poses. Have a blanket and two blocks.
30 min gentle w/ Katrina: abdominal strength
This gentle practice focuses on core stabilization by going through various ways of strengthening these muscles. One pose is completed in hands and knees position - have yoga blocks or dumbbells if having your hands flat is too much for your wrists. You will also need a blanket for your knees.
30 min gentle w/ Katrina: low-key backbending
This practice goes into 3 gentle backbends - sphinx, low lunge with a backbend, and bridge, while covering ways to make them feel excellent instead of painful. Have a blanket and a strap!
45 min gentle w/ Katrina: shoulder opening (all standing)
This practice takes place almost completely standing, with only a short meditation at the end taking place seated or lying down (your preference). This practice is great if you want to move through an entire practice without any pressure on knees or wrists, and offers modifications if anything we...
45 min gentle w/ Katrina: balancing for breath + body
This balancing practice starts with a balancing pranayama (breath work) called nadi shodhana and moves into gentle movement and practicing balancing both on two feet in a lunge and one foot in tree pose. Have a blanket for kneeling poses.
30 min gentle w/ Katrina: back body strength
Because life happens in front of us (our hands and eyes point this way!), many of us have front bodies that are generally stronger than the back. This short gentle practice aims to provide tools to balance the front and back out more. A fair about of these exercises are practiced on the knees, so...
30 min gentle w/ Katrina: hands, wrists, feet, + ankles
This gentle practice focuses on stretching and self-massage for the hands and feet. Have a blanket for the kneeling poses!
30 min gentle w/ Katrina: full spectrum chair yoga
This gentle practice happens entirely on a chair, with no standing or laying poses. We will do some spinal mobilization, some chair lunges, and end with a few deeper stretches. Have a block or two if you would like, and a chair that doesn’t roll or slide (put it on top of your yoga mat for more s...
30 min gentle w/ Katrina: twists + pranayama
In this 30 minute practice, we will do two forms of pranayama (breathing exercises) and some gentle spinal mobility focusing on twists. Have a blanket or cushion for the seated portion.
30 min gentle w/ Katrina: abdominal activation + full-spectrum stretching
This practice is great for anyone who wants to improve their relationship with their abdominal muscles, whether it’s simply been a long time or you have had an abdominal trauma such as surgery. In my case, my surgery was almost three years ago, but I still come to these simple-yet-difficult exerc...
30 min gentle + restore w/ Katrina: shoulder love
This gentle practice stays off the wrists and knees. We focus on shoulder relaxation, mobility, and opening at the beginning and end with a few restorative poses. You will need a pillow and a blanket or towel.
30 min gentle w/ Katrina: stretch + meditate
This gentle practice stays off the wrists and knees. We start with simple movements and stretches, and conclude with an extended meditation. A comfortable cushion, bolster, or stack of blankets is recommended.
18 min gentle w/ Katrina: shoulders, neck + wrists
This 100% seated practice is excellent for resetting the upper body after long hours of desk work. We will stretch, mobilize, strengthen and breathe to find relief and restoration in the shoulders and neck. All you need is a chair! (Preferably not one that swivels, but it will work if that's all ...
45 min gentle w/ Katrina: mobility and restorative
This practice is partially gentle mobility poses and partially restorative poses. We start with mobility, opening upper and lower body, and then transition to relaxing restorative poses. You will need a blanket and two pillows.
45 min prenatal w/ Jess: full spectrum
This class focuses on opening up the parts of the body that tend to get tight during pregnancy and also builds some heat with standing poses and wall sits. If you're further along, you may want to set yourself up with the long side of the mat against a wall, for more stability. Make sure you have...
40 min gentle w/ Jess: yoga at the wall
In this gentle, prenatal-friendly class, set yourself up with the long side of the mat against an empty wall. We tend to become less stable during pregnancy because of the hormone relaxin and a shifting of our center of gravity. This class will focus on opening up the parts of the body that tend ...
30 min gentle w/ Katrina: hip openers
This practice uses very gentle poses to get opening in the front and outsides of the hips. Have a blanket and a strap or strap-like prop!
30 min gentle w/ Katrina: intro to pranayama
Pranayama offers ways of controlled breathing that can balance, ground, energize, or calm. In this practice, we will learn three types of pranayama: nadi shodhana, ujjayi, and sama vritti. While this practice focuses on the breath, there will be some movement interspersed to get the body going. H...
30 min gentle w/ Katrina: off the wrists full spectrum
This full spectrum practice moves the body in numerous ways to uplift positive feelings in the body while honoring our tightness and aches. Please have two blocks and a blanket.
5 min all levels w/ Jess: hands & wrists
20 min gentle w/ Katrina: low back reset
Our low backs often take the brunt of day to day life. This short practice aims to offer a reset by aligning the spine, and by stretching the hips and side body. Have a blanket for this practice!