23 min FRC w/ Alan: shoulder blade depression
Maha Mobility
The scapula (shoulder blade) is a concave structure on a convex base; depression is the action that wraps the shoulder blade down and in on the ribcage. These muscles, mainly the lower trapezius, tend to get de-conditioned due to modern lifestyles and are commonly overpowered by their opposing muscle group, causing the shoulder blades to drift up towards the ears, creating tightness around the neck. Having strong scapular depression helps us drive force into the ground when the spine is more upright, like in cobra pose or L-sit. Tightness or weakness in any shoulder blade movement can alter breathing mechanics and decrease our ability to connect to our core strength through our hands.
Props Needed: Strap and two blocks
Common Compensation: In the first bas, watch for bending (flexion) of the elbows; in the second base, be careful to avoid movement at the elbows.
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