60 min basics w/ Katrina: cooling practice for heat wave
60 Minutes
1h 20m
Yoga for a hot day! This practice includes cooling poses like bridge, gentle twists, and anjaneyasana, and prioritizes rest between shapes. Also learn sitali pranayama, a cooling way of breathing.
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The curiosity and not knowingness of something trying something new opens up the space for possiblities. How can we approach familiar expereinces with this same beginner’s mind so that we can be open to the lessons of the moment? In this practice we will work to strengthen this openness. Hamstrin...
60 min basics w/ Katrina: dancer pose
Destruction is required for rebuilding to occur. This practice aims to honor the powerful force of destruction as a necesary aspect for growth by moving towards dancer pose, or Natarajasana, which represents the dance that Shiva does while destroying the universe. Practice upper back opening, thi...
60 min basics w/ Katrina: dancer pose
Seasonal shifts can be very unsettling and call for extra intention around grounding. With this in mind, we will use the principle of Open to Grace and extra attention to how our breath enhances each pose. Practice hip and quad openers to prepare for dancer pose. Have a strap and wall or chair ba...